HTML / ERB to Slim Converter Online Tool

Convert ERB / HTML to Slim Online for Free

HTML / ERB content.
Slim content.

About This Tool

The "HTML / ERB to Slim Converter" tool is a tool designed to make your work as a developer easier by converting your HTML and ERB code to the Slim language. Slim is a simple and elegant templating language that makes writing HTML faster and more efficient. With this tool, you can quickly convert your existing code to Slim and save time on your development projects.

About Slim

Slim is a powerful and lightweight Ruby templating language that lets developers create clean and elegant HTML templates. Its syntax is similar to Python, but designed specifically for generating HTML. Slim's goal is to reduce the syntax to the bare essentials, making it easy to read and understand.

Slim is often used as an alternative to more verbose templating languages like ERB. It allows developers to write concise and readable templates that can generate dynamic HTML content.

Example code:

  doctype html
    title Slim Examples
    meta name="keywords" content="template language"
    meta name="author" content=author
      alert('Slim supports embedded javascript!')

    h1 Markup examples

      p This example shows you what a basic Slim file looks like.

      == yield

      - unless items.empty?
          - items.each do |item|
              td.price = item.price
      - else
         | No items found.  Please add some inventory.
           Thank you!

    div id="footer"
      = render 'footer'
      | Copyright © #{year} #{author}

About ERB

ERB (Embedded Ruby) is a templating system for Ruby. It allows developers to embed actual Ruby code in plain text documents, which can be used to generate dynamic content or control the flow of the document. ERB is implemented in the Ruby programming language and is included in the Ruby standard library.

ERB is widely used in the Ruby community for its simplicity and flexibility. It allows developers to easily create dynamic templates and generate custom documents on the fly.

Here is a simple example of using ERB to generate a template:

  require 'erb'

  x = 400
  simple_template = "Value of x is: is <%= x %>"
  renderer =
  puts output = renderer.result(binding)

This code will output the following:

  Value of x is: 400